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EdM 123 Reflective Teaching and Instructional Innovations

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Here is the class outline:

1. Week 1 Course Introduction and Orientation

Jan 21 11am .. 2pm, Onsite/Face to face (UNC Social Hall)
Learning Plan
Link to online session
Link to Week 1 session recording
PPT on course introduction

2. Week 2 Linking curriculum and pedagogy & critical reflective teaching

Jan 28 11am .. 2pm, Onsite/Face to face (Social Hall)

In this session, we'll delve deeper into connections between curriculum and pedagogy and the concept of critical reflective teaching

Link to online session
Reading material 1_Brookfield_What is critical reflective teaching
Reading material 2_Brookfield_Benefits of critical reflective teaching
Link to Week 2 session recording
PPT Week 2 Linking curriculum with reflective teaching
Discussion Forum 1

3. Week 3 Critical Reflective Teaching

Feb 4 11am .. 2pm, Online

In this session, we talk about critical reflective teaching as a way to improve teaching practice.

Link to online session
Supplemental Reading: The role of critical reflection in teacher education
Reading assignment for Week 4: Reflective Practice in Teacher Education:
Link to Week 3 session recording
PPT Week 3 Critical Reflective Teaching
PPT Mini Research (Finals Assessment)

4. Week 4 Theories of Reflective Practice

Feb 11 11am .. 2pm, Online

In Week 4 we relate critical reflective teaching to the broader concept of reflective practice.

Link to online session
Link to session recording
Week 4 PPT lecture
PPT Midterms: Critical Essay

5. Week 5 Theories of Reflective Practice (cont)

Feb 18 11am .. 2pm, Online

We continue the discussion on theories of reflective practice. In this session we particularly focus on the different reflection frameworks and levels of reflection.

Link to session recording
Week 5 Lecture PPT
Reminders and announcements

6. Week 6 Curriculum and Reflective Teaching

Feb 25 11am .. 2pm, Online

For this session, we apply the theories on reflection and key concepts in reflective practice and critical reflective teaching to examine issues in curriculum development.

Discussion Forum 2
Posner_Reading material Discussion Forum 2
Link to Week 6 session recording
Reading/Viewing Assignment for Weeks 7-8
This is a RECOMMENDED Coursera Course on pedagogy and planning learning activities.

7. Week 7 Curriculum and Reflective Teaching

Mar 3 11am .. 2pm, Online
EdM 122_123 Mini Research Finals Guidance Sheet
Week 7 session recording
Week 7 PPT lecture

8. Week 8 Innovative Practices in Teaching and Learning

Mar 10 11am .. 2pm, Online

This session ties with EdM 122's session focus this week on creating a learning environment and designing and delivering content and learning activities. Here, we emphasise the range of innovative practices in teaching and learning, utilising traditional, mediated and digital technologies. This topic will be covered over multiple sessions in this course.

Reading/Viewing assignment
Link to Week 8 session recording
Week 8 PPT lecture
Discussion forum general feedback and midterms reminders

9. Week 12 Issues in Curriculum Development (cont): Assessment and reflective practice

Apr 7 11am .. 2pm, ONSITE

In this integrated session with EdM 122, we discuss practices and ways to improve assessment as part of your teaching-learning practice.

Tufts University Inclusive Assessment Chart
Sample Self Assessment Template
Sample Response to feedback from previous assignment
Week 12 PPT
Week 12 Session Recording

10. Week 13 Issues in Curriculum Development: Assessment (cont)

Apr 14 11am .. 2pm, Online

In this last session on assessment, we wrap up and flesh out any questions you might have. As modeling exercise, I will also show you detailed comments and feedback on the mini research output 1 and critical essay assessments based on sample quality submissions.

Week 13 PPT lecture
Sample Mini Research Output 1
Sample Critical Essay submission
Asynchronous Activity for Weeks 14-15: Coursera Course
Sample Research Report (not written originally as EdM 122-123 assessment)
Week 13 Session Recording

11. Week 14 Curriculum Evaluation of Instructional Designs and Approaches

Apr 21 11am .. 2pm, Online

In this session, we apply the principles of curriculum evaluation in reviewing /evaluating instructional approaches and innovations through modelling exercises.

Week 14 Session PPT
Week 14 Session Recording

12. Week 15 Evaluating Instructional Design Approaches (cont)

Apr 28 12am .. 1am
Week 15 Session recording
EdM 123 Week 15 PPT lecture

13. Week 16 Evaluating Instructional Design Approaches (cont)

May 5 11am .. 2pm, Online

In this session, we look at the use of AI in learning

EdM 123 Week 16 PPT Lecture
EdM 122_123 Week 16 Session Recording

14. Week 18 Curricular Reforms

May 19 11am .. 2pm, Online

As we draw our sessions to a close, we focus on curricular reforms including those pertaining to instructional innovations and emerging discourse in curriculum leadership and pedagogy.

Week 18 Session Recording
EdM 122_123 Week 18 PPT lecture

15. Week 19 Integration

May 26 11am .. 2pm, ONLINE

Last session for the term

Week 19 Integration PPT lecture
Week 19 Session Recording