Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics
Within three to five years, graduates of MA in Teaching Mathematics program should have:
1) Upgraded technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge of mathematics;
2) Utilized effective research-based approaches, methods, techniques, technological tools in teaching mathematics for 21st century learners; and
3) Demonstrated competence in identifying and responding to problems in mathematics curriculum and pedagogy through research
By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
1) Demonstrate expertise in teaching mathematics through the use of appropriate technology and pedagogy;
2) Demonstrate expertise in creating instructional tools useful in teaching mathematics; and
3) Conduct research on current needs, issues, and trends in mathematics education
Here is the class outline:
Aug 1
1 section
2. Required Coursera Courses for MAT Program
Jul 22
Under the MAT Program, the students are trained not only to possess technological pedagogical content knowledge and research skills, but also leadership skills. The students are expected to possess purpose leadership skills, data leader skill sets, and leadership development for managers skills. 7 sections
3. Foundations of Geometry
Jun 13
The course deals primarily with concepts of Euclidean geometry. It includes definitions, postulates, and theorems on lines, line segments, angles, polygons, circles, and solids. Theorems on triangles, congruence between triangles, and similarity between triangles are proven using direct proof. Areas of plane regions and volumes of solids are likewise discussed. The course culminates with a thorough discussion of the different types of geometries, namely, Euclidean geometry, elliptic geometry, and hyperbolic geometry. 18 sections